The other day I read about certain times of day -- sunrise and sunset -- when the veils are thin and we can sense other realms of consciousness more easily.
In The Great Human Potential, Tom Kenyon, channeling the Hathors -- a helpful group of spirit beings -- says:
When the sun rises and sets, the elementals of your Earth become the change of light and energy. They fall into a hypnotic spell, and in this quietude you can more easily sense the subtle worlds because they are not stirring things up.... It is a fleeting and temporary moment.
So last night, just after sunset, I sat on the front porch with this new information.
I'm familiar with the hush of dawn and dusk, but I was intrigued by this idea of elementals falling under a spell. The Hathors describe elementals as subtle conscious energies related to the elements themselves: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Space.... These are archetypal forces not related to your periodic table. They are conscious beings.
Somehow, I've always known this. Earth, air, fire and water -- sentient beings with their own intelligence.
If you pause during sunrise or sunset and contemplate the shifts of light and energy through your senses you will find a sense of wellness arising within you. Eventually you can sense the flow of grace that moves through all the worlds. And this sense of grace unifies all the worlds from the highest realms of light to the lowest vibratory worlds of matter.
On the porch, with my bare feet on the cool cement steps, I'm thinking, If ever there was a time humanity needs grace, it's now. Twilight falls, the stars peek out, and yes -- enchantment is the perfect way to describe the sense of calm that descends around me.
The energies have felt tumultuous to me for a long while now, like we're on the deck of a ship making it's way across a roiling sea.
It reminds me of one of the most vivid dreams I ever had. I was on the deck of a ship in full sail, tossed by looming, translucent, bottle-green waves on every side. I was giving a healing, riding the wind-whipped waves (of energy) while trying to stay firmly-footed on the rolling deck.
This must have been before our class went to Anguilla in 2007 during our training in Energy Medicine because while we were there I collected some coins imprinted with sailing ships that reminded me of my dream.
When the Hathors mention the highest realms of light and the lowest levels of vibration it feels to me like they're talking about NOW. History is a record of tension between opposites but now it feels like it's intensifying to the point where it can't be sustained much longer.
It's playing out globally and personally. What's been simmering is coming to a boil.
I usually shake my head in disbelief at the escalating lunacy on the nightly news, but I do have some power around my inner landscape. In the face of tension between the higher and lower realms, my strong sense is that I'm called to bring myself into harmony.
In a holographic universe, where a shift in one facet affects the whole diamond, this is no small thing.
But these have been difficult times to navigate. Recently the arena calling for change seems to be in my relationships with close women friends. It's been a puzzling pattern, but some pieces fell into place last night as the day gave way to twilight and I let myself be enchanted.
In each instance with my girlfriends, a boundary was crossed that made me uncomfortable. In the past I may have let it go or just lived with it.
But isn't doing so a mild form of self-betrayal? And is there even such a thing as mild self betrayal? Sometimes a button got pushed and my response was to push back. I was no longer willing to indulge whatever it was I had been allowing.
I had to own my part in this -- to get clear on how I had been contributing to the dynamic. And to communicate, with as much mindfulness and heartfulness that I could muster in the middle of these tempests, that the status quo was no longer working for me.
In every instance, things shifted. With every friend I have been through this with, there has been an up-leveling of sorts. Moments of humility, yes, and lessons in forgiveness, but also a sense of each of us helping the other find her footing when the deck was rocking beneath our feet.
The Hathors say, Grace ... is a sense of harmony between divergent parts....
Perhaps honoring the divergent parts of myself brings a kind of grace. I want deep and lasting friendships, but not if it requires ignoring some other part of me that's waving a red flag. By honoring both -- the divergent parts -- tension resolves.
But this can be a tricky road for us women because we were taught to give in, taught to turn the other cheek, taught to acquiesce for the sake of peace. We were taught not to rock the boat.
But the boat is rocking on a heaving, paradigm-shifting sea. From international politics to interpersonal dynamics, I'm called to honor my inner compass.
And so there is something to be said for the elemental enchantment of nightfall.
When chatter falls silent, scattered thoughts constellate into meaning.
Under the spring stars, Grace bestows her magic.
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Friday, April 21, 2017
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